All properties are reassessed every three years in Cook County and the new assessed valuations determine, along with other detailed information, the amount billed on the following year’s property tax bills. These triennial reassessments, and the related schedule for real estate tax appeals with the Assessor and the Cook County Board of Review, occur on a sequential basis by region and township: suburban areas north and northwest, south and southwest, and the City of Chicago.
See the map on this page to determine your township, or, to take a closer look, follow links to high resolution maps below.
The County Assessor now provides taxpayers access to valuation statistics by township, including median sales ranges for different Residential Classification Codes of residential real estate, and median increase or decrease changes to assessed values. CLICK HERE for Valuation Stats and click your township’s name: Chicago (2021), North/Northwest Suburbs (2022 and 2019) and South/Southwest Suburbs (2020).
South/Southwest Suburbs
Berwyn Bloom Bremen Calumet Cicero Lemont Lyons Oak Park Orland Palos Proviso Rich River Forest Riverside Stickney Thornton Worth
North/Northwest Suburbs
Barrington Elk Grove Evanston Hanover Leyden Maine New Trier Niles Northfield Norwood Park Palatine Schaumburg Wheeling
Chicago Townships
Hyde Park Jefferson Lake Lakeview North Chicago Rogers Park South Chicago West Chicago